Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Biskut Dahlia (Daisy Biscuit)

I miss having those melt-in-the mouth butter cookies topped with bits of maraschino cherries. I went online and managed to find the recipe of this cookie called "Biskut Dahlia" in Malay. Tada.. the one I've been looking for.. But sadly, it called for custard powder which i did not have. I decided to make do with the recipe which came with the packaging of the mould used for making this "Biskut Dahlia". The outcome? It was good... ;)


250g butter
90g icing sugar (added additional 1 tablespoon)
1 egg yolk
1/4 tsp salt
320g all purpose flour
120g corn flour
2 tbs milk
1/2 tsp rose essence (substituted with 3/4 tsp of vanilla essence)
chopped maraschino cherries for decoration


1. Cream butter with sugar, egg yolk, salt and rose essence until fluffy. Add in milk and mix well.
2. Fold in both flours. Mix until dough becomes soft and not sticky.
3. Place mixture into the piping mould and pipe it on a baking tray lined with baking paper.
4. Decorate with chopped cherries and bake in preheated oven (at about 175 deg Celsius) for about 15 minutes or till golden brown.

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